Our Top Picks for the Perfect Christmas Cane Gift for 2021-2022

Our Top Picks for the Perfect Christmas Cane Gift for 2021-2022

Tis the season that reminds us to give wholeheartedly to those we love, it's especially important to make the right gift choices for the loved ones in our lives. In the modern age when shopping has become heavily digitalized, it can be challenging to find a gift that a man or woman would not have simply purchased for themselves. That being said, many people may be leery of using a cane due to vanity or fear of how they will look with it. Here at Fashionable Canes, we have an excellent array of beautiful designer walking canes that are sure...

10 of the Most Walkable Cities in Europe You Need To Visit

10 of the Most Walkable Cities in Europe You Need To Visit
If you travel internationally, you need destinations where a car is unnecessary. These are 10 of the most walkable cities in Europe that you need to visit.

How To Keep Your Wits About You As You Age

How To Keep Your Wits About You As You Age
Most people know that cognition declines with age, but you can still minimize the severity. This is a guide on how to keep your wits about you as you age.

How To Properly Care for Your Foldable Walking Cane

How To Properly Care for Your Foldable Walking Cane
If you own a foldable walking cane, you might be wondering how to maintain it. This is a guide on how to properly care for your foldable walking cane.

10 Things To Do With Your Parent Who Needs a Cane

10 Things To Do With Your Parent Who Needs a Cane
When your parent starts using a cane, you may feel limited by what you can do with them. Here are 10 things to do with your parent who needs a cane.

5 of the Biggest Misconceptions About Walking With a Cane

5 of the Biggest Misconceptions About Walking With a Cane
There are numerous different rumors about walking with a cane that are untrue. These are five of the biggest misconceptions about walking with a cane.

5 Ways To Help Your Aging Loved One Feel Useful

5 Ways To Help Your Aging Loved One Feel Useful
The older you get, the harder it is to feel like a productive member of society. These are five ways to help your aging loved one feel useful and needed.

How Do You Walk With a Cane When You Have Gout?

How Do You Walk With a Cane When You Have Gout?
Gout can make your normal walking routine extremely painful. Many gout patients find themselves wondering: how do you walk with a cane when you have gout?

Are Foldable Walking Canes Safe and Durable?

Are Foldable Walking Canes Safe and Durable?
Folding walking sticks offer portable storage options for carrying a cane. This piece will answer the question: are foldable walking canes safe and durable?

10 Tips for Hiking Safely as You Get Older

10 Tips for Hiking Safely as You Get Older
The older you get, the more precautions you have to take when engaging in physical activity. These are the top ten tips for hiking safely as you get older.

How To Keep Track of Your Cane at All Times

How To Keep Track of Your Cane at All Times

Losing your cane is one of the most frustrating things that can happen. It’s easy to forget it or leave it behind, but doing so impacts your ability to walk and perform other tasks until you get a new one. This is why you want to make keeping it by your side as simple as possible. Here’re some basic tricks on how to keep track of your cane at all times. Wrist Strap The simplest way to remember your cane is to use a wrist strap. Plenty of canes come with a wrist strap already, but you might need to...

How to Honor Your Irish Heritage as You Get Older

How to Honor Your Irish Heritage as You Get Older
When you get older, your heritage gains an increasing role in shaping your personal identity. This is how to honor your Irish heritage as you get older.