How to Walk With a Cane After Hip Surgery

Can a Cane Assist with Recovery from Hip Surgery? Yes, and we'll tell you how!
Hip surgery is a major medical procedure designed to improve your range of motion and provide relief from chronic pain. However, it involves a long recovery period and physical therapy in some cases. Using a cane after hip surgery can provide improved support and balance, and can alleviate some of the weight placed on the the surgically repaired hip. It offers more freedom and mobility than a set of crutches. Before you choose a cane over crutches, consult your physician as to which might work best for you.
Choosing the Right Cane
If you have decided to use a cane, please take a moment to learn a little more about them to ensure that you'll be able to wield your assistive device appropriately for a safe and speedy recovery. When using a cane after hip surgery, it's crucial that you think critically about your weight and comfort requirements as well as how to appropriately size and utilize your walking cane.

A cane needs to support your weight, so it's important to match the cane to your body type. Larger individuals will need a larger, sturdier cane. If you weigh 280+lbs, you will certainly find something to love in our Extra Strong series of canes. You may also want to consider a quad cane, which has four-pronged "feet" for more stability. If you're wondering about the weight capacity of any specific cane, the information can be located under the technical specs on the item's page after you click "view details" from the menu. Please click here for a quick tutorial on where to locate the max user weight for any of our canes.
Handle Style

Choosing the handle that best suits your needs is a must. If you plan to use your cane for long periods, be sure to pick a cane with a comfortable handle that fits into your hand easily and without strain. After hip surgery, you may need to place a great deal of weight on your cane, which can sometimes cause discomfort in the hand and wrist. Rubberized grips are ideal because they can prevent slips and are comfortable enough to use for extended periods. Even if you choose to forego the optional quad base attachment, the offset cane is still an excellent choice when recovering from hip surgery due to its unique comfort grip handle.

To maximize comfort and avoid having to lean or hunch over uncomfortably, it's important that your cane is custom cut to accommodate your height. The cane grip should reach to the gap in your wrist with your elbow bent just slightly. One great thing about shopping with Fashionable is that we provide cane sizing as a free same-day service! If you're unsure what cane length is right for you, please read how to measure for a cane.
In Which Hand Should you Carry a Cane?
Always place the cane in the hand opposite the hip you had surgery on. This is your strong side and it is the side you want to bear the most weight. Utilizing the cane on this side as you walk will lessen the strain on your weaker side and allow you to walk with comfort and confidence. Again, the cane must be in the hand opposite to your weak side in order to achieve better balance and stability that will help you to remain upright with ease as you bear down on your weak leg. To walk properly with a cane, place it beside you in the hand on your strong side (the side that did not have surgery), take a step forward with your strong leg, then move the cane forward with your weak leg as you walk. Always move the cane with your weak leg, not the strong leg.
Walking Up and Down Stairs with a Bad Hip

Your hip is a very mobile socket and you may find stairs to be a challenge after hip surgery. The action of ascending the stairs places a lot of weight on the hip joint, so you should always use the handrail when walking up or down the stairs, and take only one step at a time. Place the cane on the opposite side of the handrail, regardless of whether it is on the strong or weak side. When you mount the stairs, start by moving your strong leg up to the next step. Then, use the cane and railing to provide support as you raise your weak leg up to the step even with your good leg. Walking down stairs is just the opposite. You want to put your weak leg on the step below first. Then step down with the good leg. This allows your weight to stay on the good leg during the step down.
Experience Relief During Hip Surgery Recovery with a Cane!

Now that you know more about how a cane can assist during the process of hip surgery recovery, we hope that you're ready to make the best selection for you our your loved one. As long as you give careful consideration to height and weight requirements as well as the proper form for holding and using a walking cane, you are sure to be overjoyed at the assistance your cane will provide you. Are you or a loved one awaiting hip surgery? Be prepared! Buy a walking cane today!