Before you start using a cane or walking stick it is very important to measure it to find your proper cane height so it is the right length for you. Undersized or over-sized canes may not offer the same stability and performance as a properly sized cane. Read on to learn how to size and cut canes for yourself or someone else.
How to Measure for a Cane
(Canes cut from their original size will incur a 30% restocking fee if returned)
How to Determine Cane Size When Buying a Cane
There are several ways to determine what your cane length should be--even if the user is not available to measure. Choose 1 of these 3 easy methods of cane sizing before placing your order.

1. Measure the size of an existing cane View Details
Simply take an existing cane, and measure from the lowest part of the top of the handle to the bottom of the tip. Round up to the nearest half inch. (see Diagram A)
2. Measure the cane user View Details
- Have the user put on their walking shoes.
- User should stand naturally upright as much as possible.
- Let their arms fall to the sides naturally with a normal relaxed bend at the elbow. (see Diagram A for correct posture)
- Using a tape measure or yard stick, measure the distance from their wrist joint (bottom crease at the wrist) down to the floor. Round up to the nearest half inch.
(** For accurate length a second person must read measurement to prevent wrist from moving)
3. Use cane user's height to estimate cane length View Details
If the user is not available or does not have an existing cane, use this method.
Although this works for most cane users it is not always exact. Choose this option at your own risk, and remember a 30% restocking fee applies to all returned cut canes.
Most users cane measurements will be within one inch of half the users height.
- Convert height into inches: Example user height is 5'6" which is 66 inches. 66 divided in half = 33 inches (always round up to the nearest half inch).
- Add half an inch to this measurement to get 33.5 inches.
- After receiving product use step #2 to confirm and change size if needed.
The estimated cane length would be 33.5 inches for the above example.

Sizing is a free courtesy. In most cases, sized canes will ship the same day. Although we strive to cut the cane to the exact requested measurement, cane handle shapes and cane shaft variations will make the cut length vary up to 1/4” in length from requested size. Please keep in mind that most canes can be cut easily at home. Please contact customer service to be sure your cane is able to be custom sized or for more instructions. Please always check the item upon delivery to confirm the requested size. Canes can always be shortened but may not be lengthened. Please note* There are some walking canes that come to us with custom tips that are built into the cane. If these cane's are sized (cut), we cannot replace the original cane tip and will use our standard black rubber cane tip.
How to cut your own Walking Cane
(use for wood, lucite, carbon fiber or aluminum canes)
- Measure your proper cane height by using step #2 (ABOVE IN CANE SIZING INFO).
- Measure your cane from the lowest part on the top of the handle to the bottom of the rubber tip. (see diagram A)
- Take this length and subtract the length determined by step #2. This is will be the size that will need to be cut off from your cane.
- To size the cane, remove the rubber cane tip by using a twisting motion.
- Cut the needed amount off your cane using a hack saw or fine tooth blade. Make sure to cut it at a flat angle.
- Replace the rubber tip and make sure it is on securely before use.
Example – A cane is received at 37". The size determined in Step #2 is 32". (37"-32"=5") The length that should be removed is 5".
PLEASE NOTE: Please do not cut umbrella, sword, seat, bull organ canes or any other canes that state they should not be sized.
How to use and walk with a Cane
Canes are not intended to be used like a crutch for full weight bearing. It's important you match your cane to your body type.
An important consideration in choosing a cane is to match the cane with the user's body size, so that the cane becomes the key to better mobility and safety for the user. Canes are not designed to substitute for bearing all the weight you normally would on your legs, such as crutches but to provide you with an extra foot on the ground for balance. The cane adds a third point of ground contact that alters the bio mechanics of walking to affect balance, relieve painful joints and provide stability to the user.
- Grip the cane in hand on your "strong" side so it provides support to the opposite lower limb.
- Take a step with the "weak" leg and move the cane forward at the same time.
- Lean your weight through the arm gripping the cane as needed.
- Ensure the weak leg leg assumes the first step, which holds the most weight, on level surfaces
- The walking cane should be moved around 1 1/2 feet forward with each move.
Canes are intended to help with a users balance. A cane size is designed to be proportionate to a cane users body size. The cane's shaft size, handle size and construction are factors in determining a cane users size.
You can rest assured that all of our canes are durable and of high quality. All of the canes that we sell pass our high quality standards. In fact many canes out there do not meet our standards and we do not sell them.
About Falls
Falling is a serious issue for our older population. 1 out of 3 seniors fall every year. 90% of broken hips are the direct result of falls. By the time a senior reaches age 75, falls are the major cause of fatal injuries.
Cleaning a Cane
The best method of cleaning your cane is simple soap and water. Other products may leave a slippery film or possibly damage your cane. In particular, lucite canes should NOT be cleaned with Windex or other window cleaners. These cleaners can actually cause the clear acrylic to look dull and hazy..
Because our products are made from natural materials there may be variation in color. The cane you purchase may vary slightly in appearance from the cane viewed on our website. This means that each and every cane is unique!
Natural Products
Because our products are made from natural materials there will be variations in wood grain, color and appearance. Our canes are unique and environmentally friendly!
Weight Restrictions
Not all canes and walking sticks are made to support weight. Use discretion and common sense in the use of canes which are very thin, or have a dual use or feature. For example, for a sore ankle, use a support cane, not a sword cane.
*** Canes are intended as a casual everyday walking aide. Novelty, and Collector pieces use and are not promoted or used for medical use. ***

Men’s Canes
Here you’ll find the best collection of walking canes and walking sticks available that will appeal to any type of cane user. For the last 23 years we have scoured the world to find and create a variety of over 1000+ canes. From casual cane users who are looking to up their style with a pearlz cane to collectors looking for a hand carved artisan cane to add to their collection you will surely be able to find what you are looking for. There are also many functional canes designed with a purpose such as canes with seats to canes with stun guns.

Women’s Canes
For those who are looking for a unique, stylish accessory for everyday use or a special event, You have come to the perfect place to find your newest cane. Our selection of women’s walking sticks features stunning canes and designs. Many of our female customers become avid cane collectors because they want to match their cane accessory to their outfits. With our combinations of various high-quality cane brands that have unique colors patterns and handles, there’s always a new ladies’ walking cane to consider adding to your wardrobe.