Celebrate This Season with Baseball Canes

Every year about this time, when the pride in the bleachers as pungent as the hot dogs, peanuts and cold beer, we always have a large number of orders for our baseball walking canes. Perhaps it's the nostalgia, or maybe the baseball season simply reminds people that such a walking aid exists, whatever the case may be, we always sell out of these products, especially the iconic Louisville Slugger Cane, before the World Series of Baseball completes.
One of our merchandisers saw a replica of one of our pieces in a specialty shop in South Florida this past weekend, and it is amazing what someone will charge for such a lower-quality product. Our Louisville Slugger Cane features a sturdy, ash wood construction as well as a stitched leather handle that is perfect for a hot summer day at the ball park. We even offer different sizes of this cane, and even a classic "smuggler" version, for if you want to sneak a stiff sip of your favorite vintage into the stands.
In any case, no matter if you are a Milwaukee fan, St Louis, Boston or anywhere that hosts one of our great baseball teams, everyone loves to celebrate our national pastime. We like to celebrate it with our selection of baseball walking canes.