How To Help a Loved One With Parkinson’s Improve Mobility
If you know someone with Parkinson’s disease, then you know that they often experience mobility and balance issues. However, even though Parkinson’s is a progressive condition, you can still assist your loved one with reducing the limitations that the disease puts on their mobility.
Mobility issues become more evident as time goes on, but if you act early enough, you can minimize the impact of this condition. Here is your guide on how to help a loved one with Parkinson’s improve their mobility.
Help Them With Their Daily Routine
Parkinson’s patients improve their mobility by staying active, and there are countless studies that back up this claim. If your loved one isn’t interested in going to the gym, simple activities such as watering the flowers, washing dishes, and going up and down a flight of stairs can keep them active.
Not only does this help them stay active, but it also accomplishes household chores that your loved one might otherwise avoid. Staying actives benefits those with Parkinson’s in numerous ways, such as increasing circulation to the brain and elevating their heart rate. These advantages can both delay the onset and progression of the disease.
Take Them To Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is one of the most effective treatments for Parkinson’s when symptoms start to appear. In addition, this type of treatment helps patients partially recover their mobility.
However, as far as preventative physical therapy is concerned, there isn’t enough data to detail its effectiveness. Still, beginning physical therapy can’t harm a Parkinson’s patient, and they only stand to gain from seeking treatment.
Use Water Activities
Patients with extra strain on their mobility will benefit from water-based activities due to decreased impact on their joints. In addition, buoyancy increases their range of motion and makes simple exercises possible. Also, warm water acts as a muscle relaxer, decreasing the amount of pain typically involved in these movements.
Encourage Your Loved One
Parkinson’s can make it harder for your loved one to feel motivated to stay active. You can help them by encouraging and supporting them during their activities so that they can feel energized to accomplish their goals.
For example, going on walks with your loved one allows you to spend quality time with them while also helping them meet their fitness goals. However, if they need a little extra support, search for natural wood canes to help them balance while they walk.
Overall, Parkinson’s brings new challenges into the lives of those with the condition as well as their friends and family. Now that you know how to help a loved one with Parkinson’s improve mobility, you both can enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle.