Fashionable Canes Made It to the Superbowl!!

Of course, we here at are avid fans of the TV show House, M.D. in part, to be perfectly honest, because of his excellent choice in walking canes, but also because of the way the show's writers are able to combine comedy and drama together into every episode.
For those of you who watch the Superbowl every year for the commercials, you may have noticed the parody of Mean Joe Green's Coca Cola commercial (the iconic image of him tossing his jersey to his adoring fan after the young lad offered him a Coke). In this parody, the writers of Fox's hit TV show had Dr House (Hugh Laurie) playing the part of the sports star, with his adoring fan again being a young boy.
Did we ever think that we'd see our own products in the Superbowl? Of course we are surprised. Even as we've watched our products appear on popular television shows like House, Glee and others, appear in magazines and even in movies, the Packers v Steelers Superbowl of 2011 was the most watched television event to date, and there we were, among the highest-priced commercial advertisements in history! Surprised? Absolutely. But of all of the canes that could have made it to the Superbowl, it is no surprise that it was one of such high quality.
The red tourist can is Dr House's latest addition to his collection, one of our best hardwood tourist canes, meticulously crafted and built to last. House's red cane is a fresh look on one of his originals, the classic tourist with a rich rosewood finish.
Yet again, the writers of House, M.D. showed us how they could take the dramatic situations of the medical-centered show and add a touch of humor that they know we will love.
What did you think of this commercial for House, M.D.?